How To Use Rosoft Lame EncoderDownloading
There are several places you can find links to the download of the latest version of the file. We Rosoft Engineering never have any old versions that we give out to other download sited. The only time we might have the previous version available is when a new version isn't fully tested or when we find a bug that makes it impossible to run the programs on some machine, but that is very rare. It has only happened once or twice in two and a half year. When you download a file you should always save the file in a temporary folder other that your default browsers temporally folder. When you save the downloaded file make sure to delete any old files with the same name as the one you want to download or save the downloaded file under a different name. Internet Explorer is known not to update the file if it already exist in the folder where you try to save the download file. It is highly recommended that you make a backup of the downloaded file. This way you are protected if we should be hard to reach or if our Internet Service Provider (ISP) have troubles. But don't worry we well do our best to stay on the Internet and if possible even expand. Installing
When you install the file make sure you complete the whole install. If you don't several parts might not be saved in the Registry and/or the files making the program non functional. If the install failed the first time for any reason you just have to run the install again. If you fail to install the program after several trials you should look at this page. Entering the right options
The very first thing after installing the program we recommended you to enter the options for how the program encodes and where the program save the encoded files. First set the MP3 Options then set the Output Folder. You should go through these two steps when you create a new session as well. The program installs with default options set. If you reinstall the program you don't have to reenter the options again Rosoft Lame Encoder should remember the old options. If you for some reason should have to change the options and if you can't do this from the program you must delete the fields in your Registry manually, see Windows 2000/XP And The Registry. Creating a session
Before you add the new files you might need to remove all old or some of the old files. Most common is to remove all files in the track list. Select all files you want to encode. NOTE all files will be encoded with the same mp3 options and saved in the same folder. Press the encode button, the button with the red dot on (record button). Now sit back and let Rosoft Lame Encoder do the job for you. NOTE that if you are encoding high quality files at low bitrate it takes a while to do the job. Editing a session
To remove a file just select the file in the track list and press the button with one cross on. To remove all files from the track list press the button with two crosses upon one another. To add a file press the button with an open (yellow) folder, select the files you want to add from the form that pops up after pressing this button then press the Open button. The form that pops up is the same as all other program uses to select files from. Encoding a session
When you press the encode button all files are encoded starting with the file on top in the track list and ending with the file on the bottom of the track list. All files are stored in the folder given by Output Folder and all files are encoded with the same quality.